viT-1 после ЖЖАвтор: viT-1 © июля 24, 2019

Разучить Typescript
Современная проблема фронтенд-разработки: =)
After two back to back job interviews for a React development job, I successfully passed the interviews, but learned that neither company uses TypeScript. All development is in vanilla JavaScript, and this is at an Enterprise level.
The problem is that I don't think I can do Enterprise level development without TypeScript, The pain would be too intense.
This means turning down two job opportunities, but I'm beginning to question myself, should I learn how to adapt to not using TypeScript? What are the benefits of not using TypeScript? I'm really quite befuddled. Am I just unlucky, do I have unreasonable expectations. or is it common for Enterprise level companies to insist on not using TypeScript?
От себя добавлю: сейчас занят прикручиванием VueJs на Typescript (без .vue файлов) к legacy-проекту ASP.Net на Gulp'е (к вебпаку не стремимся, Typescript здесь родной). Так сказать стремимся вложиться в Vue 3.0, который ещё не вышел! =)
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